It is Vitally Important to Engage in Advocacy
Each of us must remain vigilant and we must participate in pro-Israel and pro-Jewish advocacy and activism – whether something simple such as buying goods from Israel or helping to keep a friend informed, to donating money to those directly in Israel or who are buying and sending urgently needed supplies to IDF reservists; to grand efforts including going to Israel to volunteer.
Greater Philadelphia ZOA is encouraging advocacy, monitoring the anti-Jewish activities, responding when we can and trying to be pro-active in getting out in front of problems as much as possible. Some of our work is in the public eye such as counter-demonstrations and letters-to-the-editor. Other work we are engaged in is behind the scenes – speaking with school-board members, university presidents and editors and news directors and other officials.
Please see a number of pro-Israel advocacy items below. Now more than ever – for Israel and for American and world Jewry – advocacy and activism is vitally important. There are many advocacy options. Please partake and encourage others to participate. While the needs are great in Israel, if you can: Please also support our fight in the information war.
In addition, accurate information and public opinion are vitally important. If we at Greater Philadelphia ZOA can be of help to you – or if you want to help us at this time – please reach out at 610-660-9466 or
More Advocacy:
Remember to:
See more at:
Fact Sheets:
Facts about the U.S.-Israel relationship:
Advocacy resources:
Media Action Guide:
Contacting Congress:
For state officials:
Consult your city, municipality or township for local officials.
Sources of accurate news and information:
Advocacy How-To information:
Advocacy how-to:
Advocacy Checklist:
Advocacy Pro-Active and Reactive:
Advocacy/Activism Chart:
Combat Anti-Jewish Media Bias
Media bias
The news media can either inform the community or misinform the community. The choice lies with the leadership of the news outlet be it print, TV, radio, or web-based. Anti-Jewish/anti-Israel bias is perhaps more insidious and dangerous in local news outlets, where people largely look at or listen to for weather, sports and a summary of news in the area. Unfortunately there has been a fair share of extremely misleading and false broadcasts, articles and reports both from the Middle East and local reactions to events in the Middle East as Israel defends itself against genocidal attacks. For example, see this particularly egregious report from CBS 3 at the link below:
You will notice that in that report, not only was there no mention of the slaughter of 1,400 Israelis and the wounding of more than 5,000 additional Israelis on Oct 7 – no mention of 8,000 rockets fired by Arabs on Israeli communities since Oct. 7, no mention of the more than 25,000 rockets Palestinian-Arabs have fired at Israeli communities for the past 22 years, and no mention of the PLO’s “pay-to-slay” murders of Jews and the nearly incessant terrorism and slaughter waged against Jews in the land dating back to at least 1929. The report is an entirely one-sided propaganda piece for the Palestinian-Arab war against the Jewish People.
It is important that those concerned about the well-being of Israel and the Jewish People respond to bad reporting and also engage in pro-active advocacy BEFORE there is a misleading or hatred-inciting report. Phone calls are more effective than emails or letters. You can also attempt to comment on a local news outlet’s social media page. If you call or email: For broadcast news (TV, radio) try to reach the news director or station manager. For print: Try to reach the news editor, executive editor or publisher. Please be mindful to always be civil and to try to be as concise as possible. Remember: The goal is to get the outlet to correct and improve.
See our media guide for contact information and names:
Greater Philadelphia ZOA Announces 2023 Gala Date, Honorees
We are very excited to once again convene lovers of Israel, Zionists and Jewish advocates and activists and our non-Jewish friends and allies from for a special in-person evening of tribute, inspiration and camaraderie and to celebrate America and Israel, and Zionism and Patriotism! on Thursday, Sept. 7.
We will honor Bart Blatstein with our Pillar of the Community Award;
Justice Sandra Schultz Newman with our Defender of Israel Award;
Stan Casacio and Diane Cardano Casacio with our Friends of Zion Award; and
Michael Goldfarb with our Ben Hecht Award for Outstanding Journalism.
We invite you to please support and participate in our Gala Ad Journal and Tribute Book. Please place your business advertisements and congratulatory notices early. We have a hard deadline of August 14 – but the sooner you get them in, the easier it is for us.
You can learn more about our Gala Ad Journal and Tribute Book at the two links below. There is also information there regarding purchasing reserved tables or individual Gala tickets. You can purchase by check or credit card/debit card.
If you prefer to purchase ads, notices or tickets electronically, you may do so at our Greater Philadelphia ZOA 2023 Gala page at Eventbrite. Just click on the Eventbrite logo or link below.
Our Gala is our biggest event of the year and also our most important fundraising opportunity of the year.
Please help us be more successful than ever so that we can be more successful than ever in the promotion of and defense of Zionism, Israel and the Jewish People, and to prevent and combat anti-Jewish activity. The need is great for a robust Greater Philadelphia ZOA.
If you have any questions or would like more information about our Gala Ad Journal/Tribute Book or the Gala itself, please call us at 610-660-9466.
We are grateful to be able to recognize all that each of our honorees does on behalf of the Jewish People, Israel and Zionism, and we look forward to presenting our award to each of them in-person at our Gala.
This will be our first in-person Gala since 2019 – due to circumstances beyond our control. We so very much look forward to seeing our Greater Philadelphia ZOA Gala “Regulars” as well as new attendees who will become Gala “Regulars.”
Our Emcee for our 2023 Gala will be communal leader, businessman and patriarch of a great family, Gary Erlbaum, who will lend us his panache, wit and talent for the evening.
Our Gala Co-Chairs are Lynne Kessler Lechter and Bruce Holberg, who are lending their talent, time and energy to help make our Gala a great success.
If you would like to participate on our Gala Committee to help make our biggest event of the year even better, please call Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466.
Greater Philadelphia ZOA Mobilizes To Protest Philadelphia Affront to Jewish People, Israel
Greater Philadelphia ZOA mobilized for a
protest vigil in response to the city of Philadelphia and Mayor Jim Kenney issuing a proclamation and holding an event which echoes a United
Nations attack against the re-establishment of Israel and Jewish self-determination.
About 40 pro-Israel/pro-Zionist/pro-Jewish
activists from our region participated, proudly holding Israeli and American flags. Some brought signs in support of Israel and Jewry.
Action Alert and Call for Mobilization as Philadelphia Sponsors Anti-Israel Event
Greater Philadelphia ZOA ACTION ALERT and Call for MOBILIZATION
ALERT: The city of Philadelphia is staging an official event on November 29 marking the U.N.’s “International Day of Solidarity with the ‘Palestinian’ People” – a commemoration denigrating the re-establishment of Israel and denigrating Jewish rights and heritage; official city poster (see below) supports violence against Jewish community. Politicians, others slated to speak at event.
Action: Greater Philadelphia ZOA will lead a vigil on Nov. 29 from noon to 1 p.m. on the perimeter of the city event — around the plaza of the Municipal Services Building at 1401 Kennedy Boulevard – please bring Israeli AND American flags, and signs (see examples of messages for signs below). Together, we will show the city and the community-at-large that Israel belongs to the Jewish People, that we have the right to self-determination in our legal and historic homeland, and that we reject the violent imagery and messaging of the Palestinian-Arabs and their supporters.
Please help spread the word – we want as many supporters of Israel as possible to be present. If you care about Israel, and you oppose attacks against the Jewish People and denial of Jewish rights, come out and be seen with our flags.
Please let congregations, schools, organizations know about this event; alert your email lists; post on social media.
Additional Action: Contact Philadelphia officials and other politicians to object to this event (see information below). Ask them to oppose the Philadelphia anti-Israel event and to join us in holding Israeli and American flags in support of Israel and the Jewish People.
Call: 215-686-2182 — Mayor’s Office (Christina Pastrana Hernandez is chief of staff – email her at:
215-683-2060 — Philadelphia city representative’s office (Sheila Hess is the Philadelphia City Representative:
215-686-0876 — Office of immigrant affairs. (Amy Eusebio is director:
When you call or write: Please be civil, polite and concise. Ask to speak to the top person in each office/department. Ask why the city is promoting Jew-hatred, attacks against Jews and the delegitimization of Jewish rights.
In addition: contact elected officials from the city and suburbs to please ask them to oppose this event and to join us in solidarity with Israel and the Jewish community.
Background: For the second consecutive year, the city of Philadelphia and Mayor Jim Kenney are officially joining an international United Nations-spearheaded event that essentially calls into question the re-establishment of the Jewish state of Israel. Note the violent themes in the city’s poster: clenched fists and PLO flags. The PLO, under that flag, have murdered and maimed thousands of Jews and scores of Americans and other civilians. The poster that carries the official designations of the City of Philadelphia’s City Representative, and Mayor Jim Kenney’s Office of Immigrant Affairs.
The date – November 29 – coincides with the United Nations General Assembly vote (UNGA Resolution 181) on that date in 1947 to partition the British-controlled Mandate of “Palestine” into two states: A Jewish state and an Arab (not “Palestinian”!) state. The Jewish community accepted the outcome of the vote, but the Arab League rejected the partition.
“International Day of Solidarity with the ‘Palestinian’ People” was created by the UN in 1977 on the 30th anniversary of the partition vote.
It is important to be aware of the fact that the Jewish People accepted a mere 22% of the territory that the League of Nations (predecessor of the UN) dedicated for the re-establishment of the Jewish homeland. In 1922, Britain took away 78% of this territory to create what is today the Arab nation of Jordan – there was no such place ever before – and Jordan’s population today is about 70% Palestinian. Throughout history, there has never been an independent nation called “Palestine” and the Arabs have rejected every offer for such a state.
Prior to Israel’s declaration of independence, the Jewish People in the land were known as the Palestinians, and nearly every Jewish institution there had “Palestine” or “Palestinian” as part of its name.
Additional points: There is no Israeli “occupation” – the label “occupation” under international law requires that the territory that is “occupied” had to previously belong to another sovereign nation. Yet no other sovereign nation had control of the territories. Further, Israel came to control the Gaza Strip, the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (a k a “the West Bank”) in a defensive war. Egypt committed an act of war, and Jordan attacked Israel.
Anti-Jewish claims that Israel commits “apartheid” are patently false: Arabs in Israel have equal rights, which are the same for all Israeli citizens regardless of religion, ethnicity, race or gender. Arabs serve in Israel’s parliament, in the Israel Defense Forces, in the diplomatic corps and in all walks of life. In the Gaza Strip, Arabs are under the complete control of Hamas. In Judea and Samaria, 98% of Arabs are governed by the Palestinian Authority. It is Hamas and the PA that deny them civil rights and human rights.
When the City of Philadelphia and Mayor Kenney had a similar event last year, it was shocking (you can read about it within the report at the link that details many of the city’s official anti-Jewish activities that Greater Philadelphia ZOA compiled). Having this event a second time makes clear the positions of Mayor Kenney, and the Philadelphia City Council members and other officials who will attend and speak at this year’s event about the Jewish state of Israel, Jewish self-determination, Jewish rights and Jewish heritage.
Slogans for signs should be in support Israel and Jewish rights, and condemnation of violence against Jews. Messages could include:
“The Land of Israel Belongs to the Jewish People”
“Israel is here to stay”
“Oppose Jew-hatred and attacks against Jews”
“Why all of the PLO flags? — The PLO pays people to murder Jews?”
“Stop supporting terrorism against Jews”
“The Palestinian-Arabs have rejected every peace offer”
For more information about this event or Greater Philadelphia ZOA, contact us at or 610-660-9466. Please support our vitally important work. To donate, go to
For educational and advocacy materials, go to the “Take action” tab at:
See a PDF of this ACTION ALERT at: