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It is Vitally Important to Engage in Advocacy

Each of us must remain vigilant and we must participate in pro-Israel and pro-Jewish advocacy and activism – whether something simple such as buying goods from Israel or helping to keep a friend informed, to donating money to those directly in Israel or who are buying and sending urgently needed supplies to IDF reservists; to grand efforts including going to Israel to volunteer.

Greater Philadelphia ZOA is encouraging advocacy, monitoring the anti-Jewish activities, responding when we can and trying to be pro-active in getting out in front of problems as much as possible. Some of our work is in the public eye such as counter-demonstrations and letters-to-the-editor. Other work we are engaged in is behind the scenes – speaking with school-board members, university presidents and editors and news directors and other officials.

Please see a number of pro-Israel advocacy items below. Now more than ever – for Israel and for American and world Jewry – advocacy and activism is vitally important. There are many advocacy options. Please partake and encourage others to participate. While the needs are great in Israel, if you can: Please also support our fight in the information war.

In addition, accurate information and public opinion are vitally important. If we at Greater Philadelphia ZOA can be of help to you – or if you want to help us at this time – please reach out at 610-660-9466 or [email protected]

More Advocacy:

Remember to:

See more at: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/02/buy-israel-flyer-revised-january-2016-p.pdf

Fact Sheets:



Facts about the U.S.-Israel relationship: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/06/america-and-israel-allies-and-san-remo-updated-063023.pdf

Advocacy resources:

Media Action Guide: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/05/MEDIA-ACTION-GUIDE-march-2023-update-032123.pdf

Contacting Congress: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/07/contacting-congress-and-leaders-updated-032023.pdf

For state officials:




Consult your city, municipality or township for local officials.

Sources of accurate news and information: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/01/web-internet-sites-updated-090120.pdf

Advocacy How-To information:

Advocacy how-to: https://philly.zoa.org/join-zoa-philly/advocacyactivism-how-to/

Advocacy Checklist: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/10/advocacy-checklist.pdf

Advocacy Pro-Active and Reactive: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/10/advocacy-suggestions-strategy-flyer.pdf

Advocacy/Activism Chart: https://philly.zoa.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2023/10/advocacy-activism-strategy-graphic-webinar.pdf