
Newsletter for March 5, 2021

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We hope that our newsletter this week finds you and your loved ones well. For those who are ill, we wish for you a refuah shlema. Our Media Action Guide Updated The Iran deal, the “peace process,” the International Criminal Court, Israel’s upcoming elections, Jewish communities in


EBulletin for January 29, 2021

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We hope that our weekly newsletter finds you and your loved ones well, and for those who are ill, we hope you will be granted a refuah shlema. Last week we emailed/posted on social media the link for Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s updated “Contacting Congress” advocacy resource. Today


Newsletter for January 22, 2021

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We hope that our weekly newsletter finds you and your loved ones well, and for those who are ill, we hope you will be granted a refuah shlema. In the past, from time-to-time, Greater Philadelphia ZOA has offered a Zionist Knowledge Quiz to challenge your trivia base


Newsletter for October 23, 2020

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We hope that our newsletter finds you and your loved ones well. You are most likely not yet thinking about Chanukah, which begins at sundown on December 10. But now is the time to think “Buy Israel” for the annual commemoration of a miraculous Jewish military and


EBulletin for September 11, 2020

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, Greater Philadelphia ZOA is once again calling on you to help us help Israel, the Jewish community and the relationship between the United States and the Jewish state. We need you to help amplify our work through your advocacy. We need you to volunteer your time and


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