Maps Tell the Story Part 1: The 12 Tribes
Maps of Israel throughout history and in contemporary times tell quite a story. Learn about Israel and also how Israel compares in size to both the Arab world and the Muslim world.
In this map, see the areas where the 12 Tribes of Israel had their territories — including in what we now call Jordan.

Maps Tell the Story Part 2: Israel Among the Arab World, Israel Among the Muslim World
Maps of Israel throughout history and in contemporary times tell quite a story. Learn about Israel and also how Israel compares in size to both the Arab world and the Muslim world. Here, see tiny Israel as compared to the size of all of the Arab nations. See also how Israel compares to the vastness of the Muslim world. Yet little Israel is asked to give up territory. Does it make any rational sense?

Maps Tell the Story Part 3: Judea and Samaria
Maps of Israel throughout history and in contemporary times tell quite a story. On this map, see a detailed view of Samaria in the north, and Judea in the south. The regions were labeled as such on maps throughout the ages, from biblical times to about 1949 when Jordan illegally occupied them.

Maps Tell the Story Part 4: Contemporary Israel
Maps of Israel throughout history and in contemporary times tell quite a story.
This is a map of contemporary Israel. There is also an inset showing Jerusalem.

ZOA 2015 Gala Dinner: Ad Journal / Tribute Book
Look back at our 2015 Gala. Read about our honorees, see the many letters from elected officials in support of us, see who our advertisers and supporters our and please patronize their businesses and mention that you saw their ad in the Philadelphia ZOA Gala Ad Journal.