
EBulletin for November 3, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

Today is the last day for you to be a part of National ZOA’s spectacular Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award Dinner.

There is a great lineup of honorees and other speakers listed below in this email, plus an opportunity to go to and from the dinner by bus with Greater Philadelphia ZOA.

Please note below an Action Alert with corrected phones numbers for the embassies. Please read the Action Alert and make the calls and let your email and social media contacts also know about our Action Alert.

Co-President Lee Bender had an important letter published in The Wall Street Journal. It is included below.

Finally: If you are not already a member of our organization, please consider joining ZOA and strengthening our organization. See below.


Click the link below to join

To learn if you are due for renewal, please call our Office at 610-660-9466.

Want to Help Inform Others About Israel, the Broader Middle East and the Peace Process?

Greater Philadelphia ZOA maintains an active speakers bureau, suitable for both large events (such as congregations) or parlor meetings. Help ZOA educate others. For more information, see the link:

Greater Philadelphia ZOA is looking for volunteers to make phone calls.

 There is no soliciting involved.

 Calls can be made from your home or office.

 If you are able to lend us some of your time and talent, please call us at 610-660-9466.

Thank you.





Greater Philadelphia ZOA is planning a special event on the morning of Sunday, Dec. 17 to commemorate the centennial of the Balfour Declaration.

Details to be announced shortly.










Former Ambassador Daniel Shapiro has it exactly backward (“Move the Embassy to Jerusalem and Promote Peace,” (op-ed, Oct. 25). The U.S. should move its embassy to Jerusalem because the U.S. Embassy Relocation Act mandates it. Additionally, a united Jerusalem has been the heart of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years and is the actual capital of the state of Israel—not Tel Aviv where our embassy is now. The U.S. has its embassy in the capital of every other country.

Moving the embassy won’t hinder any “peace process.” The Palestinian Arabs have rejected a Palestinian state side-by-side with Israel six times since 1938. Their goal has been explicit and was reiterated yet again in a recent tweet from the PLO: “Our goal is the end of Israel. . . . We don’t want peace. We want war and victory.” The PLO is headed by alleged moderate Mahmoud Abbas, who also leads the Palestinian Authority and Fatah. It’s a pipe dream to believe that without a wholesale change in attitude from the Palestinian Arabs, who are mired in a cult of hatred, violence and death toward Jews, that genuine peace and security for Israel will emerge anytime soon.

Lee S. Bender

Ardmore, Pa.