
EBulletin for December 22, 2016

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

There were reports late last night that the United Nations Security Council was going to vote today on a resolution that was patently against the rights of Jews to live in Judea, Samaria and the neighborhoods in eastern Jerusalem – and we learned today that the vote has been postponed. We are grateful that for now at least, a “bullet” has been dodged, as there is reportedly great uncertainty whether or not the United States would have vetoed the measure. But we dare not let our guard down.

Below in the ACTION ALERT is contact information for the UN Missions of the current Security Council member-nations. Please call often, and politely ask them to oppose any such resolutions. Jews should and must have a right to live anywhere we choose – and especially in the heartland of the Jewish homeland. Israel captured these areas after being attacked by Jordan – which had illegally occupied them. Both are important to point out.

You will have an opportunity to visit these areas that much of the world wants to take from Israel and the Jewish People as part of ZOA’s special 120th Anniversary Purim Mission. See the details below.

This is obviously a special time for both Jews and Christians. Please see our wishes for good holidays below. It is also is a time of year when people traditionally make end-of-year charitable donations. If you have not made a donation to ZOA lately, please keep us in mind and support the vital work that we do locally, nationally and in Israel.

A Very Special Purim Is in Store for You if . . .

airplane-banner-purim-2017ZOA is having a special 120th anniversary Purim Mission to Israel. On this trip you will have the opportunity to partake in rare experiences such as the joy of handing misloach manot goodies and handmade cards created by children to Israeli soldiers on multiple IDF bases, or attending a ceremony marking the issuing of an Israeli postage  stamp, or attending guided tours of the Mount of Olives and the Ariel Industrial Center, or meeting with Israeli heroes and heroines from a variety of walks of life.

Read more about where the Mission will take you at:

It all takes place March 5 to 14. But the deadline to sign up is coming up soon!

Register now for what promises to be a trip of a lifetime, and join two Philadelphia-area couples who have already signed-up.

As a special convenience, the entire mission will be based at the same Jerusalem hotel – so no need to frequently pack and unpack.

If you would like to speak with a local couple that has participated in previous ZOA Purim Missions to Israel and is going on this mission, call us at 610-660-9466.

A Wonderful Chanukah Activity!


Please call the member-nations of the United Nations Security Council in the days and weeks ahead, and urge them to veto or vote against all anti-Israel, anti-Jewish resolutions that may be introduced in the next month. Remind them of the need for peace to be hammered out through direct negotiations; remind them that Jews should be able to live anywhere, but especially in the heartland of the Jewish Homeland; remind them of the constant violence, threats and incitement directed against Israel and Israelis by both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority/PLO. Ask what their country would do if another people was attacking them. Ask if the people of their nation should be restricted as to where they are able to live.

Please remember to be polite and respectful.

Please share this Action Alert with your email and social-media contacts.

Thank you in advance for your activism!

United Nations Security Council – Current Members:

Permanent Members (Who have veto authority):

China: 212-655-6141

France: (212) 702-4900

Russia: 212 861-4900

United Kingdom: 212 745 9200

United States (212) 415-4000

Rotating Members:

Angola: 212-861-5656

Egypt: (212) 503-0300

Japan: 212-223-4300

Malaysia: (212) 986-6310

New Zealand: 212 826-1960

Senegal: (212) 517-9030

Spain: (212) 661-1050

Ukraine: 212 759-7003

Uruguay: (212) 752-8240

Venezuela: (212) 557-2055

Please see the related National ZOA release below!


As you make your end-of-year donations, please keep in mind the invaluable work that ZOA does, both in the public eye and behind-the-scenes, to help Israel and the Jewish People.

Much of what we do locally, nationally and in Israel is unquantifiable, but you can be sure that we at ZOA are always active, always vigilant, always outspoken as we support, promote and defend Israel.

Our professional staff and lay leaders are constantly engaged in activism: Whether it be encouraging advocacy, educating the under-informed, reaching out to those who care about Israel in their heart but otherwise would lack an outlet to channel their energy — ZOA provides information and the resources to try to make a difference

  • In the media;
  • On campuses;
  • In government;
  • Within the Jewish community; and throughout daily life.

All of it takes place because of your generosity. Thank you.

Your donation will allow us to do all of these and more in 2017, and the year ahead promises to be another one when ZOA’s vital services will be needed.

Please support the work we do with a gift that is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

There is no doubt that during 2016, you attended one of our Speakers Bureau presentations, or a ZOA meeting or special event; or you were alerted to a situation that needed your letters and phone calls; or you were better-informed about Israel and the broader Middle East. Help make it possible for us to continue and increase our activities and initiatives.

You can make a donation by check made out to ZOA to: ZOA, P.O. Box 56, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.

You can make a donation by credit card by clicking on the donation tab on our Web site:

volunteers 11

 Greater Philadelphia ZOA needs volunteers to do Internet research and/or make calls.

These tasks can be done from your home or office. These are not fundraising calls.

If you have some time and talent you can lend us, please call our Office. Thank you.

It is our volunteers who make all of our activities successful.

Not a ZOA Member Yet? Please Join and Be a Part of the ZOA Family


If you are already a member, please make sure your annual dues are up-to-date. If you are not sure, contact us and we will check and let you know. It may be time to renew your membership. Please resolve to become more active in Greater Philadelphia ZOA. This is your organization.
You can also invite your friends or relatives to join Philadelphia ZOA, and additionally, you can purchase a gift membership for a loved one.
You can join or renew online by clicking the graphic below. Or you can call us at: 610-660-9466.
We value each and every member!


Out & About

Greater Philadelphia ZOA Co-President Lee Bender will be speaking at the event below:




ZOA Urges Obama & Amb. Power: Veto Anti-Israel Anti-Semitic UN Security Council Resolution

ZOA Urges Congress & Pres-Elect Trump: Cut Off All Payments to UN & Palestinian Arabs if Resolution Passes

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein issued the following urgent statement:

ZOA urges President Obama and UN Ambassador Samantha Power to veto the (now postponed) anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, anti-peace, racist resolution that the UN Security Council (UNSC) had initially planned to vote on today.   The proposed resolution would make all of the Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem in the lawful, millennia-old Jewish homeland suddenly “have no legal validity” and “a flagrant violation” of international law; would require Israel to halt construction in these areas; makes false statements about international law; falsely claims that these Jewish communities are a “major obstacle”; calls on all nations to discriminate against Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem; and would require Israel to return to indefensible 1949 Armistice lines (misleadingly called “1967 borders”).

ZOA praises President-elect Donald Trump for condemning the anti-Israel UNSC resolution, and the President-elect’s nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman for working relentlessly to try to stop this anti-Israel resolution.

For the following reasons, the proposed resolution must be vetoed – and Congress and President-elect Trump should declare that they will end all funding to the UN and Palestinian Authority (“PA”) if the resolution comes to a vote and passes:

  • The proposed resolution drastically changes U.S. policy and harms the peaceful transition to the new U.S. administration: Failing to veto the proposed resolution would dramatically change and destabilize U.S. and international law and policy, and thus would violate President Obama’s pledge to assure a peaceful transition to the incoming Trump administration.


As Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon accurately said, the proposed UNSC resolution “will do nothing to promote a diplomatic process, and will only reward the Palestinian policy of incitement and terror.”
As liberal Democrat Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz noted when a similar resolution was proposed in 2011:  “the real reason the U.S. should veto this ill-conceived resolution is that it is inconsistent with U.S. policy, which has long advocated a negotiated resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute.”  (“The U.N. Gangs Up On Israel – Again,” by Alan Dershowitz, Wall Street J’nal, Jan. 26, 2011.)

  •  The UNSC resolution harms the cause of peace and direct negotiations: This one-sided anti-Israel resolution damages the cause of peace.  The resolution was prepared by the Palestinian Authority to avoid entering into direct peace negotiations with Israel.  The resolution enables the PA/PLO to continue its efforts to destroy the Jewish State, instead of sitting down to negotiate real peace.

As Israel’s U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon accurately said, the proposed UNSC resolution “will do nothing to promote a diplomatic process, and will only reward the Palestinian policy of incitement and terror.”

Liberal Democrat Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz explained:  “The only way forward for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is bilateral negotiations between the two parties. . . . [A UN] resolution undermine[s] such efforts by encouraging the Palestinians to believe that direct negotiations — and the mutual sacrifices they would entail — are unnecessary. . . . It would also make it more difficult, if not impossible, for the Palestinian Authority to accept anything less than that already given them by the UN — which would in turn guarantee the failure of any realistic negotiations.”  (“Dershowitz: Obama, Don’t Destroy the Peace Process by Turning It Over to the UN,” Algemeiner, Nov. 1, 2016.)

Similarly AIPAC explains:  “Anti-Israel [UN Security Council] resolutions . . . will likely divide the parties rather than bringing them together. Peace between Israelis and Palestinians will only be durable if both parties negotiate in good faith and implement a mutually agreed-upon solution.  The United States must veto any one-sided resolutions and press the Palestinians to return to direct, bilateral negotiations with Israel.”   (AIPAC Legislative Agenda: Support Direct Negotiations.)

  • The Resolution Violates the Oslo Accords:  The Oslo accords, signed by the PLO/Palestinian Authority require the PA to engage in direct negotiations with Israel instead of turning to the UN.  (See Obama Must Veto Anti-Israel UN Resolution On “Settlements,” ZOA, April 11, 2016.)   In addition, the Oslo accords authorize Israeli building in the zones (e.g., “Area C”) under Israeli control in Judea/Samaria.


  •  The resolution turns international law upside down: The Jewish communities in eastern Jerusalem and Judea/Samaria are legal under longstanding binding international law and agreements, and prior carefully-crafted UN Resolutions (242 and 338).   Suddenly declaring that the Israeli and Jewish presence in these areas is has “no legal validity” and is “a flagrant violation” of international law violates over a century of jurisprudence.  (See Obama Must Veto Anti-Israel UN Resolution On “Settlements,” ZOA, April 11, 2016.)

The 1920 San Remo Conference that drafted the League of Nations Charter designated Judea/Samaria for Jewish settlement.   This determination was enshrined as a sacred trust for the Jewish people in the British Mandate for Palestine, and was later reaffirmed by Article 80 of the UN Charter.   The binding international law that Judea/Samaria is an area designed for Jewish settlement has never been superseded by an internationally binding agreement.

The 1949 Armistice agreements (after Jordan invaded Israel and illegally occupied Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem from 1948-1967), specifically stated that the 1949 Armistice lines were “without prejudice” and were not international boundaries.  When Israel recaptured Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem in 1967, the original legal status of land designated for Jewish settlement was restored.

U.N. Resolution 242 does not require Israel to return all territories that Israel recaptured during the defensive 1967 war.  Moreover, Res. 242 conditioned even a partial return of captured territories on “termination of all claims of belligerency” and “acknowledgment of the sovereignty . . . of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.”    Resolution 242 gives non-state Palestinian Arabs no claims or rights.  Moreover, the Palestinian Authority, Hamas (which would win an election in the PA if it were held today), Hezbollah, etc. have never met UN Res. 242’s conditions of terminating all claims of belligerency towards Israel, and recognition of and secure borders for Israel.  Instead, these groups have made it clear that their goal is Israel’s destruction.

  • The UNSC resolution falsifies existing international law: In Orwellian fashion, the resolution portrays its drastic changes in international law – which would make legal Jewish communities “illegal” – as merely “reaffirming” existing international law.   (Of course, if existing international law were really what the proposed PA/PLO resolution says it is, the PA/PLO would not need the resolution.)

The UNSC resolution is racist, anti-Semitic and inhumane and promotes anti-Semitic BDS, in conflict with US and State anti-BDS laws. The resolution would require uprooting 700,000 Jews from their homes, schools, farms, businesses and synagogues, which would anti-Semitic and a humanitarian disaster.  The 10,000 Jews who were uprooted from their homes in Gaza 11 years ago are still homeless.

The resolution also calls on all nations, in all their dealings, to “distinguish” between Israel and Judea/Samaria/eastern Jerusalem.   This is essentially a cleverly worded call for anti-Semitic boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Jewish businesses, academics and cultural institutions, and conflicts with anti-BDS provisions in the U.S. federal trade law and State anti-BDS laws.

  • The proposed resolution would require Israel to return to the indefensible 1949 Armistice lines.  The 1949 Armistice agreements specifically stated that these lines that have no international legal force.   The lines would make Israel only 9 miles wide and would subject Israel’s heartland to constant rocket attack from its longest border.  The lines would also divide the united city of Jerusalem in two. When this previously occurred (1948-1967) after Jordan invaded Israel and captured Israel’s old city, Jordanian Arab snipers used the hills of eastern Jerusalem to shoot at Jewish civilians going to and from work and Jewish children going to and from school every day in western Jerusalem.

Abba Eban aptly called these indefensible 1949 lines “Auschwitz borders.”

The UNSC resolution falsely portrays Jewish communities as a “major obstacle” to peace when the real obstacle to peace is the Palestinian Authority’s incitement of terror against Jews and refusal to engage in direct negotiations: Jewish communities only comprise a small portion (approximately 2%) of Judea/Samaria.  The Jewish communities do not interfere with a possible future “Palestinian-Arab state.  Approximately 99% of Palestinian Arabs in Judea/Samaria live in the areas of Judea/Samaria that are under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and have their own schools, government, media, etc.

The real obstacles to peace are that the Palestinian Authority continues to teach hatred and encourage violence and knife intifadas against innocent Jews – the PA even pays millions of dollars to terrorists who murder Jews; and that the PA refuses to sit down with Israel for real, direct negotiations.   These real obstacles will grow even worse if the proposed UNSC resolution is voted upon and passes.

Video of Amb. Dermer/ZOA’s Klein Speeches at Center for Security Policy Gala Dinner

Watch the Video of Honorees Amb. Ron Dermer and ZOA’s Mort Klein at the Center for Security Policy Gala below:


Amb. Ron Dermer at 22:45 minutes; Mort Klein introduction by Caroline Glick and speech at 54:15 minutes.


U.S. Amb. to Israel Nominee David Friedman Represents American (including Jewish-American) Views and Values

 U.S. Amb. to Israel Nominee David Friedman Represents American (including Jewish-American) Views and Values

For more information contact Morton A. Klein 212-481-1500

NEW YORK, December 20, 2016


Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

President-elect Donald Trump’s excellent nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, deserves to be confirmed by the Senate.   Mr. Friedman is one of our nation’s leading attorneys, speaks fluent Hebrew, has a home in Jerusalem, has made a life-long study of Middle East issues, and has expressed views that comport with widely-held pro-Israel American views and values.  Mr. Friedman will restore and strengthen the vital U.S.-Israel alliance and the cause of real peace.

Polling, Congressional action, party platforms, etc. all confirm that Mr. Friedman’s views and values are in sync with large swaths of the American public (including the American-Jewish public), Congress, and major American political parties.   The accusations by the radical, Soros-supported anti-Israel group J Street that Mr. Friedman’s views and values are “beyond the pale” are completely false. J Street’s real accusation is simply that Mr. Friedman does not agree with J Street’s extremist anti-Israel demands.

1.      Mr. Friedman’s Support for Moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem is Overwhelmingly Shared By the American People as well as Israeli Jews: 

Upon the announcement of his intended nomination last Thursday, David Friedman stated that he looked forward to strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship and working for the cause of real peace “from the U.S. embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem.”   (“Trump’s Ambassador To Israel References ‘Embassy In Israel’s Eternal Capital, Jerusalem,” by Michael Wilner, Jerusalem Post, Dec. 16, 2016.)   Israel is the only country in the world in which the U.S. embassy is not located in the country’s designated capital.  J Street’s opposition to moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is a fringe view.

The Soros-funded anti-Israel group J Street’s attempt to paint Mr. Friedman’s views as “outside the pale” is false and simply another Orwellian J Street smear campaign designed to advance J Street’s dangerous anti-Israel agenda.
Like Mr. Friedman, Americans and Israelis overwhelmingly support moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.   For instance:

  • The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, Public Law 104-45 (Nov. 8, 1995) recognized that Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital since 1950, reaffirmed that Jerusalem must remain undivided, and required the U.S. to move its embassy to Jerusalem.  Congress passed this bipartisan law almost unanimously (95 to 3 in the Senate, and 374 to 37 in the House).


  • Americans overwhelmingly support Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel.  In the 2014 McLaughlin & Associates poll, to the question, “Do you believe that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel?,” a clear majority of 55% of Americans replied that Jerusalem should remain the undivided capital of Israel, as opposed to a mere 13% who believe it should not (over a 4 to 1 ratio).

Congressional bills to remove the President’s waiver authority and to require the President to finally implement the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, such as the Jerusalem Embassy and Recognition Act of 2015, and similar bills in 2013 and 2011, have received large bi-partisan co-sponsorship.       `.


2.      Mr. Friedman’s Realism and Flexible Approach to Achieving Peace, and Opposition to Imposing Solutions, Is Shared By Americans Including American-Jews and the Israeli Public:

Ambassador-nominee David Friedman’s realistic and flexible approach to achieving peace, his view that there are a variety of potential approaches, and his view that the U.S. should not impose solutions on the parties, is widely shared.   Effective negotiations, true diplomacy, real peace and a strong U.S.-Israel relationship require the open-minded, flexible approach of Ambassador-nominee Friedman.  Mr. Friedman’s approach makes far more sense, and is far more likely to achieve peace, than the anti-Israel J Street’s demand that the U.S. must impose a Hamas/Palestinian-Arab state as the one and only “solution.”

  • American Jews widely acknowledge that the real Arab goal is Israel’s destruction – not a peaceful Palestinian-Arab state.  The 2015 AJC (American Jewish Committee) Survey of American Jewish Opinion (random national sample of 1,002 Americans who are Jewish or identify themselves as Jews) found that an overwhelming majority, of approximately three-quarters of American Jews agree with the statement:  “The goal of the Arabs is not a peaceful two-state agreement with Israel, but rather the destruction of Israel.”  (73.1% agreed; 25.1% disagreed.)

Americans widely acknowledge that a Palestinian-Arab state would support terrorism, would be hostile to Israel, and would not be peaceful.   A 2014 McLaughlin & Associates poll found that “by a ratio of 3.5 to 1 (58% to 17%), Americans believe any future Palestinian Arab state would be hostile to Israel and support terrorism.”   (“To the question, ‘Do you think that if a Palestinian Arab state were established, it would live peacefully with Israel or would it be hostile to Israel and support terrorism?,’ 58% of Americans reply that a future Palestinian state would be hostile and support terrorism, whereas only 17% think it would live in peace with Israel.”)


The AJC surveys of American Jews show an approximately even split in opinion about whether a Palestinian state should be established (51.9% in favor with 46.1% opposed in 2015.  These figures were in spite of several factors that very well may have skewed AJC survey results towards the left, including: (i) the surveys took place prior to the recent Palestinian-Arab wave of terror against innocent Israelis; (ii) the survey results were “adjusted” (the 2016 survey methodology increased the weight given to responses from Reform Jews from 30% to 35%; the 2015 methodology fails to disclose the specific weighting but acknowledged that weights were adjusted by denomination); (iii) the survey population contained fewer Republican Jews than the percentage of Republican Jewish voters; and (iv) the survey population included persons who consider themselves to be “Jewish” for some reason other than being Jewish.

  • The Israeli people overwhelmingly oppose a Palestinian-Arab state. An October 2014 poll by the highly respected Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs found that 75% of Israeli Jews oppose the creation of a Palestinian state (versus only 18% in favor; in other words, more than 4 to 1 oppose a Palestinian state).  And that was before the recent wave of terror in which Palestinian-Arab terrorists murdered 40 innocent Israelis (and Americans) and wounded over 500 innocent Israelis – a grisly reminder of the dangerous consequences of creating a Palestinian /Hamas/Iran/ISIS terrorist state.


  • The overwhelming majority of Israeli cabinet members oppose a Palestinian-Arab state; Likud stated that “any evacuated territory would fall into the hands of Islamic extremist and terror organisations supported by Iran.”    (See The Two-State Solution is Dead; Just Ask Israel’s Own Ministers,” Al Jazeera, May 27, 2015; also see statements of Israeli officials “In Their Own Words.”)   As ZOA has repeatedly pointed out, a Palestinian-Arab state would be an Iran/Hamas/ISIS terrorist state that endangers Israel’s existence.   Arab polls show that Hamas would win Palestinian Arab elections.  (“Poll: Hamas will win the Palestinian Elections,” Israel Nat’l News, Aug. 28, 2016.)  A Palestinian Arab state in Judea/Samaria would be another Gaza; rockets would rain down on all of Israel.



  • Imposing a Palestinian-Arab State is not GOP or Democratic Party Policy.   


The unanimously adopted 2016 GOP platform plank on Israel states: “The United States seeks to assist in the establishment of comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East, to be negotiated among those living in the region. We oppose any measures intended to impose an agreement or to dictate borders or other terms, . . . “

Only three prior GOP platforms supported a “vision” of a Palestinian Arab state; however this support was conditional, and the Palestinian Arabs never met the stated conditions. The 2004 GOP platform stated that “for such a vision to become a reality, Palestinians need a new leadership, not compromised by terror” and required the Palestinian-Arabs to “embrace democracy and the rule of law, confront corruption, and firmly reject terror” before the U.S. would support a state.   The 2008 GOP platform and 2012 GOP platform contain similar conditions.  The Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to honor terrorists as martyrs, pay terrorists reward blood money, incite deadly stabbing and car ramming attacks against innocent Jewish civilians, and includes designated terrorist groups in its government.  Thus, these platforms did not support a Palestinian State under the current circumstances.  These platforms also did not call for imposing a Palestinian Arab state.

Moreover, many prior GOP platforms specifically opposed the creation of a Palestinian-Arab state, and specifically opposed imposing any “solution” on Israel.

Democratic platforms have only supported the concept of a Palestinian Arab state for a dozen years, since 2004 – and have contemplated direct negotiations (rather than imposed solutions) and conditions that the Palestinian Arabs have never met.  The 2016 Democratic platform speaks of “work[ing] toward a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiated directly by the parties” – in other words, not imposed by the U.S.   The 2016 Democratic platform also noted that Israel is entitled to “recognition, and a normal life free from terror and incitement.”   The 2012 Democratic platform explained that “there will be no lasting peace unless Israel’s security concerns are met,” and stated that “we will insist that any Palestinian partner must recognize Israel’s right to exist, reject violence, and adhere to existing agreements.”  The 2004 Democratic platform noted that “all final status negotiations must be mutually agreed.

3.      Mr. Friedman’s Support for Jewish Communities in Judea/Samaria Promotes Israel’s Security and is Widely Shared:

  • Americans Overwhelmingly Support the Right of Jews to Live in Judea/Samaria a/k/a the West Bank:  In the 2014 McLaughlin & Associates poll, to the question, “Do you believe that Israeli Jews should have the right to live in settlements in the West Bank, in part to self-defend Israel’s borders, or should only Palestinian Arabs have the right to live there?,” 47% of Americans stated that Israeli Jews should have the right to live there, whereas only 14% of Americans believe only Palestinian Arabs should have the right to live there (over a 3 to 1 ratio).


  • Even for a Permanent Settlement, Only a Tiny Percentage of American Jews Believe that All Settlements Should be Dismantled:  In the 2015 AJC Survey of American Jewish Opinion, only 14% of American Jewish respondents stated that as part of a permanent settlement with the Palestinian Arabs, Israel should Israel be willing to dismantle all of the Jewish settlements in the “West Bank.”   (And this was only 12% in the 2013 AJC survey.)  Over 39% in 2015 and 43% in 2013 (over 3 times as many) stated that Israel should not dismantle any Jewish settlements in the “West Bank” as part of a permanent settlement.


  • Moreover, the phrase “Jewish settlements in the West Bank” is a “loaded” term that de-Judaizes these areas and implies that Jewish homes and communities and cites there lack permanence.   If the AJC survey had used the accurate phrase “Jewish cities and communities in Judea and Samaria” – or “Jewish cities and communities in Judea and Samaria, areas that Jews have the right to live under international law,” it seems likely that even more American Jews would have stated that no Jews should be uprooted and evicted from these areas of the Jewish homeland.


  • State Anti-BDS Laws Support Jewish Businesses in Judea/Samaria:  Recently-passed State anti-boycott laws, which received overwhelming support, recognize that Jewish businesses in Judea and Samaria should not be discriminated against.   For instance, the Illinois anti-BDS law defines “Boycott Israel” to mean “engaging in actions that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or otherwise limit commercial relations with the State of Israel or companies based in the State of Israel or in territories controlled by the State of Israel.”


  • The Federal Trade Law Supports Jewish Businesses in Judea/Samaria:  Congress has also recognized that Jewish businesses in Judea/Samaria should not be discriminated against.  The bipartisan federal Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 – which the House and Senate passed overwhelmingly seeks to prevent discrimination by the EU against Jewish businesses in Judea and Samaria by so conditioning a trade agreement with the EU.   Similar to the Illinois anti-BDS bill, the federal Act defines “Boycott of, divestment from, and sanctions against Israel” to mean “actions by states, nonmember states of the United Nations, international organizations, or affiliated agencies of international organizations that are politically motivated and are intended to penalize or otherwise limit commercial relations specifically with Israel or persons doing business in Israel or in any territory controlled by Israel.”


In sum, Mr. Friedman’s positions reflect those of the American people, American-Jews, Congress and common sense.   The Soros-funded anti-Israel group J Street’s attempt to paint Mr. Friedman’s views as “outside the pale” is false and simply another Orwellian J Street smear campaign designed to advance J Street’s dangerous anti-Israel agenda.

shabbat shalom 1b