EBulletin for May 6, 2016
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We are excited about our 2016 National ZOA Washington Advocacy Mission coming up on Wednesday. About 70 people from our area are going, and we have two buses this year. We want to thank those of you who are taking a day from work, or your career
EBulletin for April 28, 2016
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, It is so important in these times of turmoil when despite everything that Israelis do to improve the lives of others throughout the world that the world “thanks” Israel by working against the Jewish State and the Jewish People. Even our own leaders are often piling on
EBulletin for April 22, 2016
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, Earlier this month we presented “An Evening With Melanie Phillips,” and Ms. Phillips did not fail to impress with her wonderful and novel insights and her bold courage in presenting them. For those of you who were unable to attend, and for those of you
EBulletin for March 25, 2016
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We have two major events coming up, as you will see immediately below. We hope you will attend and participate in both of them. But whether you attend one or both, please register/buy your tickets in advance as we need to give a count to the caterer
Feb. 26 Philadelphia ZOA E-Bulletin: A Roundup of Upcoming Events of Interest for Pro-Israel Activists Plus News and Analysis
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, 18 days to go! Space is Limited – Just a Few Spots Left for: Spend a day talking with and hearing from members of Congress from your state and district — and from across the nation. Join us for this important opportunity. Meet in small groups