
EBulletin for June 22, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters, We are moved by the great, early response to our “120 Club” in celebration of ZOA’s 120th anniversary. We will only place the first 120 names on the banner that we receive donations for. In addition to their own names, we have received a donation to place a name


EBulletin for June 9, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, As all of you know, this past Tuesday, ZOA had its annual Washington Advocacy Mission. There is a lot of post-mission work to be done, and that is where each of you come in. If you have not already done so, please take five minutes to call


EBulletin for May 25, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, Why not pick up a perfectly perforated gift for yourself or someone else? The Israeli government has issued a postage stamp recognizing the important work that ZOA does on the occasion of ZOA’s 120th anniversary. You can get a copy of this special collectable as a keepsake


Greater Philadelphia ZOA E-Bulletin: A Roundup of Upcoming Events of Interest for Pro-Israel Activists Plus News and Analysis

Shalom ZOA members, Friends and Supporters of Israel ACTION ALERT: ALERT: While President Trump has not yet “torn up” the Iran deal, the White House did add new sanctions against Iran this week because of its ICBM development, support of terrorism and human rights violations. Meanwhile, Congress is considering more sanctions against Iran (see article


EBulletin for May 5, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel, We want to thank those of you who have already registered to participate in ZOA’s Pro-Israel Capitol Hill Mission. There is still an opportunity for others to spend a day doing hands-on, pro-Israel advocacy with ZOA in Washington on June 6 – and save $50, but not


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