Promote Your Business, Congratulate Our Honorees, Salute ZOA’s 120th Anniversary in our Gala Ad Journal

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,
Time is running out for you to be a part of our Greater Philadelphia ZOA 2017 Gala Tribute Book, a keepsake of our September 12 celebration of Israel and America. That evening we will honor Allen L. Rothenberg, Jonathan S. Tobin, Rabbi Yaacov Orimland and Jim and Diane Showers. It will also kickoff the local commemoration of ZOA’s milestone 120th anniversary.
We invite you to include yourself in this book with a personal message from you to one or all of our honorees, and/or a message in recognition of ZOA’s 120th anniversary.
If you have been waiting to submit your notice, please get it in as soon as possible as we need to close the book by Friday.
We deeply appreciate those of you who have already sent in congratulatory notices for our book.
Please note: We are still taking business advertisements for the Ad Journal portion of the book.
Please see at the bottom of this email size options for notices and advertisements.
To pay now by credit card, please go to our Eventbrite site:
Please send check payments to: ZOA, P.O. Box 56, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.
Please see the graphics below.
Thank you!
Click on the graphics to enlarge.