Local News

Introduce Your Friends and Neighbors to ZOA

Earlier this month a wonderful couple in Cherry Hill hosted a Greater Philadelphia ZOA parlor meeting at their home and ironically the audience consisted of nothing but “actors on the stage”: Pro-Israel/pro-Zionist/pro-Jewish activists who truly commit their time, efforts and energy to helping the community. It was a pleasure to be in their company to discuss key issues, sharpen their advocacy/activism skills and of course to discuss all that the Zionist Organization of America does locally and nationally.

These attendees realize the heightened level of anti-Jewish activity throughout America and in our region — and that it cannot be thwarted by looking on passively. They realize – to cite a still-relevant adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Are you a strong advocate for Israel, Zionism and the Jewish People? Do you have friends, neighbors, colleagues or family members who share that passion and who want to get involved in educating the community, pro-actively strengthening support for Israel and the Jewish People and combatting Jew-hatred – or be more effective at what they are already doing? Do you want to let them know about ZOA and the vital work that we engage in?

Please consider hosting a Greater Philadelphia ZOA parlor meeting to accomplish all of the above … and more.

For details, please call Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466.