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Antisemitism May Be Coming to Your Radio Station.html

By Bruce Holberg

Published by AmerincanThinker Feb. 29, 2024

Don’t be shocked if you tune in to your favorite conservative talk-radio show and instead hear someone of the same political stance as Rachel Maddow or Joy Reid. Before you crash your car or fall out of your chair, you should know what is taking place, why it is taking place, and your role in preventing what could be a severe reduction in conservative and pro-Israel voices on terrestrial radio.

George Soros, via Soros Fund Management (SFM), has acquired via a bankruptcy bailout a majority position in Audacy Inc, the licensee of 235 radio stations in the United States, plus digital programming, and podcasting outlets. Nationally, Audacy, the second largest radio company in America, claims to reach 200 million people a month through its various distribution channels including a near-monopoly on news and talk-formatted stations in many markets.

Here is what happened: Audacy, headquartered in Philadelphia, recently declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In its recovery plan, it agreed to have various revenue sources buy its bank debt, and convert the debt to an equity stake in the new Audacy. SFM stepped up and acquired $415 million or about 40% of the broadcaster’s senior debt, making it the largest and controlling shareholder.

Here is why this should be of concern to all Americans, and especially for Jews across the country: Soros has shown us exactly what his game plan is. In 2022, the Soros-backed Latino Media Network, an affiliate of SGM, acquired an 18-station group of Spanish-language radio stations located in Florida serving the Cuban-American community. When the Latino Media Ntetwork bought them, they were center-right in their programming orientation and doing very well. Afterward, the stationsprogramming flipped far to the Left in order to influence their audiences in that direction. Likely, this is his prototype for Audacy.

As the Federal Communication Commission is barred from controlling programming, SFM (via station management) can mostly do what it wants with the stations it is acquiring — unless listeners and other interested parties (that would be us) can show the FCC commissioners that the company is unqualified to be a licensee.

SFM is largely owned by the same George Soros who, as reported in the New York Post, funneled $15 million to pro-Hamas groups in the United States between 2016-2023. Much of this went to the Tides Center, which in turn granted the money to the virulent groups organizing pro-Hamas and BDS protests in the U.S. Now they may be getting a big. megaphone for their views.

What about American support for Israel? Exactly where does this leftist icon stand on the nation-state of the Jewish People? Soros has a long history generously supporting organizations whose goals are to undermine or to outright destroy the Jewish state. In October, 2023, hundreds of protesters representing two anti-Israel groups funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) — Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow — infiltrated the Capitol to protest Israels alleged but false genocide” and blaming Israel for the October 7 mass rape and massacre. In 2007, Soros wrote an opinion piece in the Financial Times headlined America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas,” and in 2023 George Soros called for Israel to immediately begin a ceasefire and all the while funded a pro-Hamas organization called Al-Shabaka with more than half a million dollars.

As it relates to Israel, the OSF has been accused in the Israeli press of funding anti-Israel activist groups including Adalah, I’LAM and “Palestinian Citizens of Israel.” In 2013, Israel’s NGO Monitor released a report that OSF funding “contributes significantly to anti-Israel campaigns in three important respects:

  1. Active in the Durban Strategy, which declared Palestinian residents of Israel are treated as second-class citizens and (falsely) equated Zionism with racism (this draft of the Declaration was so offensive that the U.S. and Israel withdrew from the conference;)
  2. Funding aimed at weakening United States support for Israel by shifting public opinion regarding the Arab war against Israel, and Iran;
  3. Funding for Israeli political opposition groups on the fringes of Israeli society which use the rhetoric of human rights to advocate for marginal political goals.”

Finally, Soros, through OFC, created a $1.8 million fund intended to train budding journalists to be assigned to keep track of “state government issues.” He created a boot camp of sorts in which to school them, no doubt, in his progressivism. In fact, this effort was done in cooperation with National Public Radio (NPR), the anti-Semitic public radio network. Some say NPR stands for National Palestinian Radio,” its reporting is so biased. The Soros “trained” journalists are placed at NPR stations throughout the country.

What can be done to prevent this massive radio group from coming under the control of the Soros affiliates? A bankruptcy judge has approved Audacys plan to come out of bankruptcy, including Sorosacquisition of majority interest in the company. However, because this constitutes a change in control of the broadcasting company, it needs the approval of the FCC to take place. An outpouring of letters to the FCC Chairperson Jessica Rosenworcel, and other commissioners might get them to take a closer look at the transaction and possibly question Soros/SFM’s fitness as a licensee. Contact information for the FCC can be found here.

Having hundreds of stations and digital outlets under Soros’ influence is dangerous for America and especially Jewry, and although time is very tight, the control of Audacy by an avowed anti-Zionist is something we Americans must try to derail.

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