
EBulletin for June 15, 2018

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

Ten days from tomorrow, Greater Philadelphia ZOA is bringing in communication and public-opinion maven Frank Luntz to town for a very special event on June 26 at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown, 1201 Market Street, at 7 p.m.

Thanks to a donor, tickets to Dr. Luntz’s presentation are just $10.

We still have some openings remaining for our exclusive Patrons’ Reception with Luntz, where you can meet him, speak with him, and enjoy glatt-kosher foods and wines from Israel. It will be a great event, and it includes a ticket to Dr. Luntz’s presentation. It begins at 6 p.m. Reception tickets are just $200 each.

Luntz’s audio/visual presentation will be both enjoyable and enlightening as Dr. Luntz will help each of us be even better advocates for Israel, and teach us communication skills that we can use in everything that we do.

Tickets for the main event and the reception are available at Click the logo below or go to and search for “Luntz”.

To purchase tickets by check, send a check made out to “ZOA” to: ZOA, PO Box 56, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004.

We are encouraging people to purchase tickets in advance.

“An Evening With Frank Luntz” is the inaugural event of Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s Taylor Forum, presented in loving memory of attorney, Zionist and longtime Greater Philadelphia ZOA Board Member Jerome Taylor.

Please let your friends, colleagues, neighbors and social-media contacts know about this event – share the flyer below and the link to purchase tickets. Thank you in advance!

Volunteers Needed for Luntz event

You can help us make our June 26th event with Frank Luntz and even bigger success by volunteering before and during the event. We are looking for volunteers to staff the registration tables outside each event, and also inside during Dr. Luntz’s presentation.

If you are able to lend us your time and talents, please call Steve at the ZOA Office at 610-660-9466, or send an email to: [email protected].



Please Take Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s Survey!

In 5 minutes or less, you can help us not only have a better understanding of our membership, but also of the broader community.

If you have not already completed our three-part survey, please do, at the links below. Many have taken part 1, but not part 2 and part 3. It is important that we have all of the data – so please complete all three segments.

Just as important as it is for each of you reading this to take the surveys, it is also important that you send these links to your email contacts and post it on social media. It’s another way that you can help us help Israel. Most of the questions require only “yes” or “no” answers. Thank you in advance.

Survey Part 1:

Survey Part 2:

Survey Part 3:

Planning a picnic or a cookout?

Need to stock up at your shore home?

Remember to BUY ISRAEL and introduce your family, friends and guests to goodies from the Jewish State.

Fight BDS! Support Israel’s economy!