Newsletter for Nov. 15, 2024
Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,
We hope that this email finds you and your loved ones well.
Please be sure to share all or part of this newsletter with your email contacts, on social media and in the community. Please make them aware of circumstances and situations around us, our advocacy items and resources, and what Greater Philadelphia ZOA and ZOA are doing in support of the Jewish community, Israel and Zionism. Please encourage others to financially support our work (information below) and please consider hosting a parlor meeting to introduce your friends to us and what we do. Thank you!
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We wish those of you attending the National ZOA Superstar Gala this Sunday a safe trip to and from New York, and an enjoyable and meaningful time at the event.
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Limited space! Register Now!
Upcoming Greater Philadelphia ZOA Classes:
Greater Philadelphia ZOA is facilitating the two classes below, led by a certified instructor:
Class 1: Developing a personal and home protection plan (not about firearms) and “Stop the Bleed” first aid Monday, Nov. 25, from 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., in Bala Cynwyd.
Class 2: Self-defense firearm basics, legal use of force, violent encounters and their aftermath, gear and gadgets – what you need and where to get it. Tuesday, Nov. 26, 5 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., in Bala Cynwyd.
Specific locations will be given upon registration.
Each of these classes is limited to 10 people in order to offer personalized instruction. The cost per class for each of these classes is $60 per person. YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER and PAY IN ADVANCE. Use the links below.
Below is the link to register for the Home defense and Stop the Bleed class:
Below is the link to register for the concealed carry and firearm basics class:
For more information, please call the Greater Philadelphia ZOA Office at 610-660-9466. Phone calls only!
Greater Philadelphia ZOA is encouraging you to engage in advocacy, monitor anti-Jewish activities, and to be pro-active in getting out in front of problems as much as possible – such as by sending in letters-to-the-editor and reaching out to media decision-makers; checking in on what is being discussed and taught in local schools, and through speaking with family and acquaintances to keep them informed with facts and to dispel the myths and lies. Remember: The Israel Defense Forces is the most humane military in the world; Israel and the Jewish People were attacked – and Israel must do what is necessary to eliminate the threat and rescue the captives kidnapped by Palestinian-Arabs; the relationship between the United States and Israel has always been mutually beneficial.
Now more than ever – for Israel and for American and world Jewry – advocacy and activism is vitally important. There are many advocacy opportunities and needs. Please partake and encourage others to participate. While the needs are great in Israel, if you can: Please also support Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s fight in the information war.
In addition, accurate information and public opinion are vitally important. If you are the victim of Jew-hatred or are aware of anti-Jewish or anti-Israel activity, please report it to Greater Philadelphia ZOA. If we at Greater Philadelphia ZOA can be of help to you – or if you want to help us at this time – please reach out at 610-660-9466 or
New this week: Nazi vs. Nazi
According to reports on social media, a resident of Blue Bell, Montgomery County displayed a flag bearing a swastika on a flag pole on his or her property. Rightfully so, the community is outraged at the sight of a despicable Nazi flag – especially since it was flown on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.
CNN reported this week that outside of a theater in Michigan where a production of “The Diary of Anne Frank” was being performed, Jew-haters stood on a corner waving Nazi flags – and there was deserved outrage.
Nazi flags and symbols are anti-Jewish as well as anti-American. Thousands of Americans were killed by Nazis during World War II, and in recent decades, Americans have been killed by “neo-Nazis” and Nazi sympathizers – including the 11 Jews murdered in the Tree of Life Congregation massacre. It is un-American to display these flags and symbols, and widespread condemnation and ridicule is in order.
In the past year, literally thousands of PLO flags have been waved and brandished in America’s streets and on America’s campuses and even in America’s K-12 schools by assorted Jew-haters. The PLO – Palestine Liberation Organization – has the same goal as did and do Nazis, and they have slaughtered Jews and Americans under that banner. Yet there is little or no outcry, outrage or angst among Jews and by public officials at the sight of these flags.
A statement from the Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors in response to the Nazi flag in Blue Bell declares:
“The Whitpain Township Board of Supervisors has been made aware of the recent display of a Nazi flag in the Township. Both collectively and as individuals, we find this demonstration abhorrent, shocking, and offensive. There is no excuse nor any explanation for flying this flag. Full stop. That flag was and remains contrary to all that we believe in and all that our Township represents. Now, as established by the Supreme Court of the United States, we recognize this display is protected free speech under the First Amendment. Accordingly, while Whitpain Township is prohibited from and will not be taking any action toward the display, as individuals who live here, we condemn it in the strongest possible terms. We will not be silent in the face of evil. We trust our community will join us.”
Each of us has a duty to make sure that our neighbors; our local, state and federal governments; our educators; our media; our clergy – and others – are educated about what that PLO and its (“Palestinian”) flag are, what the flag represents, the trail of Jewish blood and American blood of innocents shed in its name, and that it is at least as worthy of condemnation as is a Nazi swastika flag. The objective of those who display the “Palestinian” flag is the murder of Israel’s 7.5 million Jews! That they are not Hamas does not make them any better than Hamas.
We must wholeheartedly and relentlessly be engaged in exposing and challenging today’s enemies as we are yesterday’s enemies. It begins with education. It continues by asking officials to condemn the PLO flag and those who display it, and that all consider it as un-American as is the Nazi flag. We must speak up!
Please see more advocacy items below.
Greater Philadelphia ZOA Needs Your Financial Support
No other organization is doing the valuable work that ZOA is doing to expose and combat Jew-hatred, educate the community, promote Zionism, and to boldly promote and defend Zionism and Israel!
We encourage education, advocacy and activism like no one else — so that together, ZOA and you can help Israel, the Jewish community, the Zionist movement and the mutually beneficial U.S.-Israel relationship.
Now more than ever: Please support our work as generously as you can.
To donate electronically, go to:
and follow the multi-step process. If you do not have or want a Paypal account and are having difficulty making a donation by credit card or debit card, please call our Office at 610-660-9466.
To donate by check, send to:
PO Box 56
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
We are grateful to those of you who have already donated. We appreciate each and every donation.
Host an Event Featuring Our Presentation about
Identifying and Combatting Jew-hatred
Now is the time for those in the Jewish community and our non-Jewish friends and allies to step up to put a stop to the rampant anti-Jewish activity and Jew-hatred that is enveloping nearly every facet of society. But how can you prevent and combat it if you don’t know the extent of it, and what and who its many sources are?
For large audiences or small; in a public space or in a home — Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s presentation, “Jew-Hatred: It’s Many Sources and What You Can Do About It,” is a timely audio-visual presentation that concentrates on the groups, entities and individuals who are endangering Jewish people, Jewish institutions and Israel – right here in our region. You will hear some of them in their own words; you will see what they have written; you will see what they have been doing and are planning. Our presentation also offers remedies and action items.
Following the presentation, there is time for a lively question-and-answer period and discussion.
To schedule an in-person presentation for a congregation, a group or in a home or office for a “parlor” meeting, please call Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466.
Let’s Talk About Zionism, Israel and ZOA – Over Coffee or Another Beverage:
Your questions answered about advocacy, Middle East history, Zionism, the peace process, media bias and ZOA in a one-on-one conversation.
Call our office at 610-660-9466 to make an appointment for Coffee with Executive Director Steve Feldman.
More Advocacy:
Remember to:
See more at:
Fact Sheets:
Facts about the U.S.-Israel relationship:
Advocacy resources:
Media Action Guide:
Contacting Congress:
For state officials:
Consult your city, municipality or township for local officials.
Sources of accurate news and information:
Advocacy How-To information:
Advocacy how-to:
Advocacy Checklist:
Advocacy Pro-Active and Reactive:
Advocacy/Activism Chart: