
Greater Philadelphia ZOA Newsletter for June 11, 2021

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

We hope our newsletter this week finds you and your loved ones well.

If you have been following our local ZOA emails, National ZOA emails or peruse news media regularly you are aware that American Jewry, Diaspora Jewry and Israel have an enormously consequential battle on our hands. Battles need fighters and fighters fill many roles. There is no fighter for Zionism, Israel and the well-being of Jewry that is more active than the Zionist Organization of America both locally and nationally. As hard as we fight and as strong as we are, we need you to help us to be stronger and more effective. If you are already active, please try to be more active; if you are not active at this time, please consider becoming active in our chapter – we need your involvement on our specialized committees so that we can do more and do it more efficiently, and we are often also in need of volunteers to help with research and making calls.

Whether you participate in our organization or are not able to at this time, we need your generous charitable donations. We thank those of you who do support our work financially. Financial support is our fuel. Please consider making a donation today or at your earliest convenience. You can donate electronically or by check and you can also set up a regular monthly donation to Greater Philadelphia via Paypal.

If you would like to get involved in our chapter or more involved, please contact Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466 or [email protected]. To donate, see the graphic for more information or go to

If you are a member of an organization or congregation: Please invite a Greater Philadelphia ZOA speaker for an advocacy workshop, or a Middle East Update or a presentation on a variety of subjects. Consider hosting a “parlor meeting” with your neighbors and friends. Use the contact information above to reach us.

Thank you in advance for your help, your participation and your support.


Do you have good  writing skills? Do you think about advocacy or activism frequently?

This is an important time to skillfully share your thoughts, ideas, observations about Israel, Zionism and the state of American Jewry – or related topics — through a blog, on social-media, or via articles and op-eds, or a podcast.

The Web and apps afford more opportunities and avenues to communicate and reach others than ever before — which means more eyes or ears to see and hear about Zionism, Israel and support for both; to point out media bias; or to educate others about Israel’s and the Jewish People’s enemies.

There are many websites where you have an opportunity to publish, or you can start a blog at the Times of Israel or elsewhere. There are a variety of social media sites, and also platforms where you can create a free-standing blog or website. Take advantage of these opportunities to be pro-active or to respond to other activity. If you need guidance, contact Greater Philadelphia ZOA.

For more about ADVOCACY, go to and use our “Take Action” tab.

Let’s Talk About Zionism, Israel and ZOA – Over Coffee or Another Beverage:

Your questions answered about advocacy, Middle East history, Zionism, the peace process, media bias and ZOA in a one-on-one conversation.

Call our office at 610-660-9466 to make an appointment for Coffee with Executive Director Steve Feldman.




Participate in National ZOA’s Leadership Mission to Israel This August!

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein and his wife Rita will lead this memorable mission, and you will experience people and places that only ZOA can provide.

See Tentative itinerary and details:


Pre-register now at:

To learn more, email Mission coordinator Howard Katzoff at [email protected]

The Iranian Threat:

Because a nuclear-armed Iran poses a truly existential threat to both the United States and Israel, ZOA along with Iranian Americans for Liberty has created a special website to draw attention to the danger. It includes a highly impactful video, an opportunity to engage in advocacy with your members of Congress including a sample letter to send them, and plenty of information. Please visit the site at and be sure to let others know about it!

Remember: Iran supplies deadly rockets, training and millions in cash to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad murderers and terrorists as well as to Hezb’allah. Any sanctions relief or efforts that do not inhibit Iran’s state sponsorship of murder and terrorism will lead to more murder and terrorism!