
The Newsletter: A Greater Philadelphia ZOA Roundup of Events, Advocacy, News and Analysis for the Pro-Israel Community

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

The evening of Tuesday, April 9, Greater Philadelphia ZOA is presenting a special event for the entire community which we encourage you to attend and to please spread the word about throughout the community.

As attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions reportedly increase, and as politicians and others incite resentment against Jews with accusations of dual loyalty or placing the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of America, we are offering a program featuring experts who will give the basics in self-defense, situational awareness and emergency first aid. We hope that you will attend and find out how you can protect yourself, your family, your home, your institution – and if G-d forbid something should happen: how to prevent catastrophic blood loss.

Please see the flyer for the event below for all details. Pre-registration is required, but the event is free to attend. Register at:

We are looking for volunteers to help out before, during and after the event. To volunteer, please call our Office at 610-660-9466.

You must pre-register for this event. To do so, go to:

If you are able to volunteer at this event, please call our office at 610-660-9466.


ZOA National President Mort Klein Speaking in Our Area:

Watch Mort Klein’s Interview on Jewish Broadcasting Service

Click on the image above, or the link below.

Come With ZOA to Washington:

When Doing Pesach Shopping, Remember to . . .

Out & About

Greater Philadelphia ZOA sponsored a game booth and had an information table at the recent Northeast Jewish Life Purim Carnival at Klein Life.







Are You A Member of One of ZOA’s New Donor Societies?

For details, or to become a Donor Society member, please call

Greater Philadelphia ZOA Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466.