
EBulletin for March 23, 2018

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

Spring is finally here and our focus turns to Pesach for the time being, and right after Pesach, the Jewish communal world ramps up its activities and of course that includes ZOA. We have a number of ZOA events coming up as well as other community-wide events that we are participating in. You can learn about them throughout this newsletter. We hope that you will attend and participate in as many of them as your schedule permits – and please be sure to tell your email and social-media contacts about each of them and encourage them to attend. We remind you of the importance of pro-Israel education and advocacy and you and your friends can learn and increase your activism during the spring season.

Last-minute shoppers: Please buy as many of your Pesach goods as possible from Israel:

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Have you signed up yet to go with ZOA to Capitol Hill?

Out & About

Executive Director Steve Feldman will be discussing the Six Day War and its Aftermath at a meeting of the Hazak Brunch at Temple Sinai, 1401 N. Limekiln Pike, Dresher. There is a charge for this event. For information about this event, call Temple Sinai at: 215-643­-6510

Click the red donate/join tab above to join ZOA or to renew your membership — or to make a donation.

Please help us make our upcoming events even more successful by volunteering to help us set up, discuss ZOA with guests and encourage people to fill out our sign-in sheets.

 We will also need volunteers for an upcoming mailing at our office.

If you can help out with our mailing or at any upcoming events, please call our Office at 610-660-9466.


Coming Up – Register Now!

Join us for a screening the wonderful documentary “Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation” and a talk by Naphtali Perlberger at this free event on Thursday, April 26, at 6:30 p.m., at the Chester County Library and District Center in Exton. See the flyer immediately below.

The Eventbrite page for registration is at:

If you live in Chester County or that vicinity and would like Greater Philadelphia ZOA to have another event in the area, please call Executive Director Steve Feldman at 610-660-9466. See the link for more details on our Speakers Bureau below.

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