
EBulletin for February 10, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

Greater Philadelphia ZOA is in the middle of our winter membership drive. Please consider becoming a member of the Zionist Organization of America.

This is a special year for ZOA as we celebrate the organization’s 120th anniversary. We are the oldest and most active organization whose primary mission is helping Israel. Through education, advocacy and outreach ZOA is supporting and defending Israel and also strengthening the mutually beneficial U.S.-Israel relationship and the American Jewish community. Join us and be a part of our family.

If you are already a member, please make sure your annual dues are up-to-date. If you are not sure, contact us and we will check and let you know. It may be time to renew your membership. Please resolve to become more active in Greater Philadelphia ZOA. This is your organization.
Please invite your friends or relatives to join Philadelphia ZOA, and additionally, you can purchase a gift membership for a loved one.
You can join or renew online by clicking the join/donate tab above. Or you can call us at: 610-660-9466.
We value each and every member!

Please Join Us for Our Next Event:

Come With Us to Capitol Hill

Note: This year we will be collecting money for the bus in advance. Please be on the lookout for an email about the Washington Mission cost (take advantage of the early-registration discount) as well as the cost of the bus.

Greater Philadelphia ZOA needs volunteers to do Internet research and/or make calls.

These tasks can be done from your home or office. These are not fundraising calls.

We are also looking for volunteers for our upcoming events including:

  • Our upcoming quarterly meeting
  • Our “Buy Israel” Festival
  • Our 2017 Gala

If you have some time and talent you can lend us, please call our Office at 610-660-9466, or email us at [email protected].

It is our volunteers who make all of our activities successful.

Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s Speakers Bureau:

Getting Ready for Purim and Misloach Manot?

Have a wonderful Tu B’Shevat!