
EBulletin for February 3, 2017

Shalom ZOA Members, Friends and Supporters of Israel,

Greater Philadelphia ZOA has many exciting events and activities coming up in the near and distant future, and while we are not ready just yet to reveal all of the details, you can look forward to the following:

  • We will soon be announcing the honorees for our 2017 Gala, and it is going to be another great line-up. Make sure you save Sept. 12 on your calendar;
  • Next week we will announce the date for our Washington Advocacy Mission. It is a new administration, a new Congress and new legislative priorities. It will be a wonderful time to be on Capitol Hill with ZOA where we will hear from many lawmakers and then lobby our House and Senate members;
  • We will be having a quarterly meeting in March with a timely speaker addressing one of the most important issues in the Middle East;
  • We will work to tangibly counter BDS with our “Buy Israel” Israel Foods, Crafts and Judaica Festival;
  • We are planning a new Speakers Series featuring talks by well-known personalities you will not want to miss – plus special receptions for board members;
  • Plus there will be special events to mark ZOA’s 120th anniversary, the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem and the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

We not only invite you to attend and participate in each of these events, but we also encourage you to take part in the planning and implementation to help make them an even greater success! For information about how you can get involved, please call our Office at 610-660-9466.

We asked, and so many answered the call:

Greater Philadelphia ZOA needs volunteers to do Internet research and/or make calls.

These tasks can be done from your home or office. These are not fundraising calls.

If you have some time and talent you can lend us, please call our Office at 610-660-9466. Thank you.

It is our volunteers who make all of our activities successful.

If you are already a member, please make sure your annual dues are up-to-date. If you are not sure, contact us and we will check and let you know. It may be time to renew your membership. Please resolve to become more active in Greater Philadelphia ZOA. This is your organization.
You can also invite your friends or relatives to join Philadelphia ZOA, and additionally, you can purchase a gift membership for a loved one.
You can join or renew online by clicking the join/donate tab above. Or you can call us at: 610-660-9466.
We value each and every member!

Have You Liked Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s Facebook Page Yet?

Greater Philadelphia ZOA’s Speakers Bureau:

ZOA and PJTN Action Alert:

Please Call Your Senator To Support Trump’s Pro-Israel Nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, and Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem

Dear Friends of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and Proclaiming Justice to the Nations (PJTN):

Please call your U.S. Senator today (or as soon as you can) at 202 224-3121 and urge him or her: (1) to confirm President-elect Trump’s pro-Israel nominee for U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, and (2) to support moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem!

Please also share this with your friends and ask them to call!

We need a strong pro-Israel U.S. Ambassador to Israel to repair the damage done to U.S.-Israel relations in recent years.David Friedman is the right choice!

Your calls are very important!  Anti-Israel groups are mounting major telephone campaigns to stop President-elect Trump’s nominee David Friedman from being confirmed by the Senate!

We need a strong pro-Israel U.S. Ambassador to Israel to repair the damage done to U.S.-Israel relations in recent years.   David Friedman is the right choice!   Mr. Friedman is one of America’s leading attorneys, speaks fluent Hebrew, has made a life-long extensive study of Middle East issues, and shares the pro-Israel views of the American public.  Mr. Friedman understands the tragic Arab/radical Islamic war against Israel, Israel’s defense needs, the dangers Israel faces and how Israel is on the front lines of our joint efforts to stop radical Islamist terrorism.  He appreciates the political, historic, legal, and religious rights of the Jewish people to Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem – and Israel’s record of protecting religious freedom and the rights to people of every faith to access their holy sites, which is unique in the Middle East.  Mr. Friedman will restore and strengthen the vital U.S.-Israel alliance, benefitting all of us, and the cause of real peace.   Please tell your Senator to vote to confirm President-elect Trump’s nominee, David Friedman as U.S. Ambassador to Israel!

Please also ask your Senator to support moving the U.S. Embassy to Israel’s 3,000-year-old capital, Jerusalem!  Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel.  Israel’s Knesset and government offices are in Jerusalem.  The U.S. Embassy is in the capital of every other nation with which we have diplomatic ties – except our dear ally Israel.  That’s discrimination!  Jerusalem is mentioned 700 times in the Torah/Bible.  (Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran.)  It’s time to move the U.S. Embassy to Israel’s capital!

Thank you for taking the time to call your Senator and for all your help and dedication!

Upcoming Event of Interest: